Trevassack Stories cover all the happy memories people have made here at our lake, but more than that, they underline the impact of the work of Children’s Sailing Trust. Feedback, holiday reviews and write ups of holiday experiences here at Trevassack Holidays
Guest Review | Space to Explore
as parent carers, wherever we go as a family the routines of daily care don’t stop because we’re on holiday. Feeds need making, syringes need washing, food needs blending, moving needs to be done safely… and many other things.
These things are as true at Trevassack as much as anywhere BUT when it comes to holidays at Trevassack I would say, ‘Same S*!t, Better Location’!
I don’t feel disabled here, said David | A Trevassack Review
A holiday in Bradbury House I’m Babs and I’m tired, I am always tired, exhausted really. I am married to the love of my life,
Port of Falmouth Sailing Centre Tour of Trevassack
As a not-for-profit subsidiary of Children’s Sailing Trust, Trevassack Holidays were delighted to welcome POFSA to Trevassack Lake for a tour and a talk with
Trevassack Holidays Feedback Stories
We’re incredibly proud of what has been achieved at Trevassack Lake and even though we only opened a few short months ago, missing the easy-sell